Mercury Research


considered a Terrestrial body rather than a Celestial body

[THEORY]A Magnetic Core rotating through space. Was a Mars sized planet, collided with a large planetesimal that tore away its layers of mantel and crust only leaving the core. This collision also initiated a planetary  migration of Mercury, moving it from its theorized position of being next to Mars to its current spot in the solar system; as “no planet would naturally form that close to the Sun”. - Alternative theories suggest no planetary migration, but instead the formation of Mercury being the oldest in our Solar System ​(>5 Billion years). In this theory, Mercury formed from a solar nebula and was originally 2 times its current mass, but shrunk/ “evaporated” over time due to the Suns energy stabilizing after solar “contractions” during its(Sun) formation. (3)

Takes 88 earth days to complete an orbit, 55-58 earth days to complete one revolution on its axis- Day and night on Mercury is three months each. In a continuous cycle of cooling, compression, and ,expansion. Due to its polar caps that still hold water. Since first being studied its hypothetically “shrinking”. Metallic, purple atmosphere, orange/blue tail from evaporating sulfur due to the heat from the Sun(2). Observation of “hollows” suggest a current transformation on the surface (25mil yrs) could look more metallic and loose more of its silicate(1)

[THEORY] Boninite - a volcanic rock found in the eastern hemisphere, are studied in correlation with understanding the surface of Mercury “…In the absence of Mercurian rocks or meteorites in our collections, komatiites and boninites are often proposed as the best analogue rocks to Mercury lavas…”(2)


Rules all forms of communication. Deals with transportation, all forms of how we communicate beyond words, action. Rules the hands, lungs. Rules duality, how information is processed - Its Exaltation sign is Virgo



God of commerce and communication. He ranked amongst the Dii Consentes, the 12 most important gods and goddesses in Rome. And was the messenger between gods and mortals. Described as having winged feet.



Child of the moon. Ruled by Vishnu(4) governing the Buddhi(higher intelligence) and Dharma(the nature of reality regarded as a universal truth). Decribed as having four hands and being genderless/being able to change genders at will. One hand is in a Varmudra(giving or granting blessing) position, another hand described as a sword and a Thaal(steel plate used in ritual).

Notes: in Vedic astrology its associated with the hands. sparking a connection to my sculpture, relaying the Surangama mantra


Mercury in Libra
Usually quite diplomatic and tactful, they evaluate and weigh things up endlessly, often to the point of indecisiveness. Of good judgment, they express themselves clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject, they listen to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up their own mind. Mental affinity in their relationships is paramount. They are good at compromising and always try to put themselves in others' shoes. Some mental laziness.

Mercury in 5th house - 5th house in Virgo

Taste for intellectual games, sports that require skill and finesse. They are very curious about everything, even in love. They like children.

You tend to use your voice, whether written or spoken, as a means of creative self-expression. You can be witty and humorous, an engaging communicator, and a fun friend. You love playing games, especially ones that employ your intellect. You love tricks, jokes, plays on words, and mimicry. You might be skilled at impersonations. Some of you could be clever at lying. You might have a tendency to promise more than you can deliver, or overstate your case. In some way, you are very entertaining with the spoken and/or written word. Communication and intellectual rapport is most attractive to you when it comes to romance. In some cases, this can indicate more than one lover at once. Curiosity can be a strong motivator for making social and romantic contact. You might also take much pride in your children's intellectual abilities and talents. You would make a good teacher, as you are very curious about how people learn and can come up with many ideas that allow you to teach others creatively.

170 Sextile between Mercury - Mars

They like discussions, debates, polemic. They have good judgment and can be very determined. They are a worker and they have lots of energy. They have a lively intelligence and usually goes to the heart of things. They are enthusiastic, incisive, and energetic in thought and speech.

126 Trine between Mercury - Uranus
They are perspicacious, ingenious. They bind intelligence and originality together with genius. They like literature, especially fiction. They are spontaneous in their friendships and know how to turn situations around positively.

64 Sextile between Mercury - Pluto
They have a great sense of observation and quickly grasp and size up the situation. They are crafty, subtle, and perceptive.

133 Sextile between Mercury - Lilith
Can be provocative in speech or communications, persuasive, interesting conversationalist, quick to see the flaws of a situation.

73 Trine between Mercury - Midheaven
They like to have their own ideas about things, to form an opinion and think over the problems it poses. They are an intellectual.


-Super Mercury

Theory that it was twice its size but its initial crust was destroyed and only the core is left

-Sidereal Day

A single “day” on a celestial body


The point in the orbit of a planet or other astronomical body, at which it is closest to the sun

-Planet 1

Another name for Mercury

Further Information/Sources




